- Our family has grown, and with that growing, we realized we're no where near done! Who knew? I want a BIG family!
- Our life in the ministry has been tested. We've faced some things I never thought we would. We've seen such ugliness come out of good people. We've read When Bad Christians Happen to Good People many, many, many times. At first, it helped heal the wounds we had from all the gossip and slander and general meanness. Then, it caused us to look into ourselves, and really "fix" the issues brought to light. It's also helped us to forgive. I've learned (over and over and over) that our God is a God of forgiveness and love. He wants me to be a woman of the same. I was actually just talking to a lady from our church who went to an event at the church most of the people who left are now going to (Got that? Whew.). She told me how involved they were and how happy the church was because of some of them. How the church was on the verge of closing it's doors, and now, because of the influx of people, it remains open and thriving. My heart just sings at this news! God took an ugly situation and made it glorify Him. One of my prayers for everyone who has moved on from our place of worship is that they find a ministry they can serve in. One they can be a part of and be used for God in. I am overjoyed that it's happening!
- Tucker and I really solidified who we are and what we have been called to do. Our confidence in God's calling is stronger than ever.
- Our trip to Chesapeake was a blast. It was so exciting to see our students be stretched (and even see some stretching in the adults!). It wasn't always pretty or fun, but it was amazing.
- We've left a small group filled with people we love, only to fall into a group of people we love just as much! What started as a painful and hard transition became an easy and joyful one. God is good.
- We've been amazingly blessed by new and strong friendships.
- We've been amazingly blessed by old and comfortable friendships.
- I've fallen in love with my husband all over again. Having two kids certainly changes a relationship, but watching the way Tucker is with our babies makes my heart beat faster and my love for him just explode! He's the most hands-on father I've ever met. (Excluding my own. My dad rocks. Hi Dad.) He's wonderfully funny, goofy with our children, and the social part of this relationship. ('Cause I, um, would never really leave the house if he didn't make me...) He's an amazing provider, a best friend, and really so much more. I'm beyond blessed that he's mine.
- The student ministry at the church is growing...both spiritually and numerically. It's exciting to think about next year and what it will bring! Same with the church. After an initial hit in the beginning of 2007, numbers are climbing. New faces have become familiar faces.
- We've house hunted this year. And stopped house hunting. And started it up again. Hopefully 2008 will be our year for home ownership! We'll see.
This has been a full year. A hard, sometimes sucky, most times wonderful, year. I'm planning on looking at 2008 with the following mentality. It's a quote I came across from Garrison Keillor:
"Give up your good Christian life, and follow Christ."
That's what we're planning on doing. Right there. Nice and simple. We're not going to live the life that most Christians in this country think is "right". We're not going to take the easy way out. We're going to follow Christ...regardless of how people view us, regardless of where it takes us, regardless of the risks it involves. This life is meant to be an adventure!
And so, if you're reading this, Happy New Year! We're going to be partying with our small group tonight, and ringing in this new year with some dear friends and much hope for 2008!