Thursday, October 25, 2007


So, sometimes I want to say some things. However, I can't always form the words right.

Like that.

Thankfully, people out there say what I'm thinking, and say it much better! And, well, probably a bit harsher than I would ever say it...but the basic idea is what I'm going for here. So yeah. Perry Noble has a great post today. Check it out.

I think when you're in the ministry, criticism comes hard and fast. Gracefully, so does encouragement. Tucker and I have been amazingly blessed to be surrounded by a group of strong and passionate encourager's. (Little do they know that Words of Affirmation is his love language!) I just wanted to thank those that love us, and keep us afloat. Those who push us to go deeper while we encourage the same in them. We couldn't do this without you...and we wouldn't want to.

1 comment:

Dawniev said...

As a parent who has been so fortunate to witness your efforts first hand... encouraging you and Tucker comes easily. Thank you for all you do... Keep up the amazing walk in Christ!

Thank you for your dedication to our youth but most of all our God.