Monday, July 28, 2008

Shear Genius.

Well, not quite genius, but I did use shears!

Rory's loooong hair was becoming a tangled mess. It was dry, dead and stringy. So, we bobbed it. I like it. Tucker likes it. She likes it. Life is good.

Sadly, the pictures are a little dark...I'm still figuring out this new camera!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008


She dressed herself today.
She's quite proud of that.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We Hibbs had a busy busy weekend, and I'm planning on blogging all about it...but it requires that I scan in some old pictures from, oh, 1999 and earlier. Like, high school band geek pictures. (You've been warned.) So, you all will need to wait a day or so.


What's awesome is this. It's so cool to read about a family, a group of people, excited about the possibilities God has for our area. We need more church plants up north, and I'm thrilled to see the Lehigh Valley attracting the attention of one! I stumbled across this blog while reading Vince Antonucci's page. Tucker and I are reading through his book (Go. Get it. Read it. Okay?), and we've been loving his blog. So go and check that out, too. It's well worth your time!

I'm just excited to see God moving. Always!

Monday, July 14, 2008


I don't think there's anything sweeter in the morning than watching my daughter and her father play with Barbie's over breakfast. Tucker does the high voice, and Rory makes them dance.

It's really wonderful to watch...

Monday, July 7, 2008


Both children now scrape their plates into the trash when finished eating and place (Place, throw, whatever.) those plates in the sink. I knew Rory could do it, but I just watched Tate toddle into the kitchen, slowly push his sandwich crumbs into the trashcan, and then put his plate into the sink.

I made a big deal out of it, telling him how big and wonderful he is, and he just nodded. Then he reached out his hand and said "Cookie".

Hey. Bribery works.

And I have a clean/neat kitchen.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Proof that my brain is fried.

I spent 20 minutes yesterday trying to cook a pre-packaged skillet meal, only to find out that I had the wrong burner turned on. It took a lot of stirring, stove top searching, and under-my-breath mumbling about why my food was still cold before I figured it out.

Once it was cooking, I managed to burn it. Completely.

My children are lucky they're getting hot food at this point. I'm tempted to only serve peanut butter sandwiches and apples from here on out...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zoos, Pools and Beaches.

It's been a busy few days for the Hibbs!

Friday we headed down to the Philly Zoo, which the kids loved. It was hot, but we had a blast! We then went over to my parent's house for some great food, tasty ice cream, and late evening swimming.

Monday, Tucker and I took the kids to the beach. We met up with some great friends and had a lot of fun watching all of our children play together. Also, we went after five (Yes. We're cheap. I know.) so it was a free beach day! You know, minus the $10 bag of candy, $50 gas fill-up, and dinner costs. But. The beach was free! Free!

Why yes! I did just get a new camera! What's that? You could tell? All of the pictures, huh? Hm.