In all seriousness, I know I've been a blogging slacker. I'd like to blame the two little beings growing in my belly, but really, it's just that I'm sort of lazy. I blame the older Hibblets for wearing me out...
Anyway. Here it goes! The mega update on all things Hibbs!
-End of June Tucker and I got to attend the Whiteboard Sessions. It was amazing! We both loved hearing how God is moving, how He's using ordinary men (and women!) to accomplish great things. Churches being planted, people coming to know Christ, baptisms, lives was just all really great to hear and see. Plus, I got to see Perry Noble speak, which was a real treat. Mark Dever was terrific, Tim Stevens made me want to stand up and shout "Yeah! That!" at just about everything he said, and Vince Antonucci made laugh and think more than any other speaker. I attended the Ladies Lunch, which was a lot of fun (And delicious! Hello! Pregnant!) and it was great to connect to some other women involved in ministry.
Also, Tucker and I got a hotel for the conference, and left the kids with my parents for two nights. It was so great to just get away and reconnect with my husband. We had a blast!
- We've had a few new ultrasounds, and the twins (Twibbs?) are doing great! They're growing right on schedule, and everything is looking good. I feel great, just tired. I want to sleeeeep all of the time!
- We were able to go and visit some dear friends and their beautiful boys for dinner a few weeks ago. Pete and Sarah mean a lot to us, and we cherish their friendship. Plus, their kids are just about the cutest and most entertaining children I've met in a long time. Haven and Rory had a blast together, Gus and Tate were fun to watch, and their new little guy, Simeon, was a doll. (Sarah claims he's colicky, but I'm not believing her. He was just about perfect that night. I kid, I kid...hang in there Sarah!) Also, she made this incredible dinner. (Again, I'm not believing her when she tells me she just "threw it all in a pot". 'Cause when try that, I get lumpy mushy yuck. She gets gourmet. Go figure.) Oh. And if you live in the Jim Thorpe area and need an excellent podiatrist, Pete's your guy. Or, at least Betty says he is...
No. But seriously. Go to Pete. Advent Foot and Ankle. He has this beautiful family to support and he's one heck of a great doctor.
- Tucker's brother Taylor got married this past weekend. He found, proposed to, and wed his absolutely perfect match. Christina brings such amazing things to this family and I'm proud to call her my sister in law! Yay for Mrs. Hibbs!
Rory was their flower girl. She didn't quite make it down the aisle like she should have (with Christina's brother), but she did make it down (Holding Daddy's hand). Tate spent the day hanging out with Tucker's uncle, Bob. Bob very graciously took Tate during the ceremony and kept him busy. I can't even begin to tell you what a huge help that was! By the end of the ceremony Tate could say "Bob", and asked for him after we got home. It was really sweet!
Pictures! Sadly, my camera batteries died soon after the ceremony and I really didn't get many...
- Father's Day was pretty fun! We went to Outback for lunch (Yummm, steak...), locked our keys in the car, chatted up the tow truck guy, said many thanks for our AAA membership, renewed said membership, and made a Wal-Mart run to buy the Hibblets a new pool for the backyard. Good times.
I've gushed often about Tucker, but I feel like I can't say it enough. I am head over heels in love with that man and I think he is amazing. Oh, I see his faults, but I love him through them all. I've been beyond blessed to have him as my best friend, the father of my children, and my partner in this crazy thing we call our life. *GUSH*
-Tonight? Tucker's off in Baltimore, and I'm sitting in a very quiet house. He took eight teens down, and they're having an amazing time. Here's his post about it all. Plus! The church's name is Charm City Church. Like Charm City Cakes, Ace of Cakes...just about the best show on the Food Network. You know, in my humble opinion. Not that that has anything to do with the church. I'm just sayin'. It's cool.
-Oh yeah. And who's SO BIG?
I'm so sad you're not here, but tomorrow we WILL find ace of cakes for you and take Tuckers picture next to the sign for you :)! But only if you promise to come visit sometime :)!
Regardless I am so excited to meet you :)!
ok soo theres this story about a girl named sam who terribly misses you. the end.
Can we go out please one day soon. Because I like seriously am depressed because I don't get to see you anymore. By the way CONGRADULATIONS....yay more hibblets. =]
ok. I have a new email adress it's "" email me sometime. ok.
Colleen, I was sorry to have missed it as well! Sounds like it was an amazing trip. Keep doing what you're doing down there. Tucker sang your praises, along with the rest of the staff's. I'm looking forward to meeting you all one day!
And...SAM! Girl. I've missed you! We can absolutely get together one day. let me know when and where...and I'm there. :)
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