Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Four Years.

It was four years ago that Tucker's father, Don, passed away.

I didn't even realize that today was "the day" until late this afternoon. And I feel awful for forgetting...

I miss him. I miss him a lot. Don welcomed me into the crazy Hibbs family with open arms, and was, quite possibly, the craziest of them all! Always laughing, always joking, always extreme, but able to carry on a serious and deep conversation. And he loved coffee.

Man. I just know how much he would have loved to see his grandchildren, to see his boy's weddings, to see their college graduations...their high school graduation. Nothing meant more to Don than family. At each big family event, it feels like a small stab in my heart knowing he's not there, and thinking that he should be there. At the births of our children, Tucker and I have both paused after saying "Dad would've loved this!"

It's such a heavy moment.

I wish I was better at putting into words how I feel. I loved him, I miss him, and I'm honored to have known him...he left quite a legacy behind!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I thought of him today too as today is my anniversary so I always remember Tucker's dad today ever since he passed.

I be he's drinking the very best coffee ever and watching all your accomplishments with perfect joy.